I did it!!! I made a trip with the kiddos all by myself - and they did great! We headed down to Austin on Tuesday and stopped in Dallas to see DD and Nancy which was very fun! The kids did well, but were very ready to get out of the car. We swam and played - Jordan was in heaven and Drew was Mr. Wiggle Worm as usual - especially after being in the car all day. Then on Wednesday we headed on down to Austin to see Aunt Kat (or "Tat" as Jordan calls her) and Uncle Sean. We had so much fun!!! We swam, played ping pong, watched airplanes, went shopping, went out to eat (Jordan ate like there was no tomorrow - it was amazing), and just played with Tat and Sean. Jordan is at such a fun age where you can really start bonding with her - and I must say that she misses Tat a lot! But we had such a great time!

Thankfully - Mom flew into Austin on Thursday night and rode back to LR with me. Praise the LORD!! I could not have done that one on my own. The kids did awesome. Drew had about a 45 mintue window where he was pretty miserable - but we gave him a bottle and that settled him down. We are headed up to Kansas City next week which we are super excited about - but we are planning some strategic stops on the way to really let the kids get some energy out! Here are a few pictures from our trip. Kat got the best pics though! We miss you Tat and Sean!