Wow - where do I even begin!? I have been thinking for some time that I need to update the blog, but to be honest - I just haven't had the energy or the clarity of mind to write down my thoughts!! =) So much has happened over these last few months that it is too overwhelming to report on everything - so I will just deal with what is current. And will post some fun pictures at the end to explain the rest.
Ever so thankful - things have changed a lot since my last post about our miscarriage. God was so faithful and allowed us to get pregnant again the following month and I am now in my 17th week - crazy! This pregnancy has been a bit of a roller coaster. There was a lot of anxiety at the beginning following the early miscarriage that we had recently experienced. And around the time I began to settle down - the nausea started. With Jordan and Drew I had about 2 rough weeks and then I was good to go. But I am still having some off days with this one. I am a lot more tired and my stomach can be a bit of a mess at times. One of the biggest triggers for my anxiety is sickness and obviously pregnancy has presented a lot of challenges in that area. If I am being honest - it is a daily fight - but one that God helps me win most days. We are praying that my energy will return soon and that I can "settle in" and enjoy this pregnancy. We find out the gender in a few weeks so we are excited and praying for a healthy growing little Crowley.
We had a great Christmas holiday spending time with family in both Little Rock and Kansas City - we are so blessed. We wish we could have seen all of our friends in both places, but we weren't in one place long enough to do much of that without it costing us family time. But please know that we miss all of you and think about you often. It has been a bit rough getting back into the swing of things this week - which may be good evidence that we were able to really relax and let down while we were away. It was a much needed break before this last push!
Bryan is about to start his final semester of seminary! It is going to be a very full spring for him with taking 16 hours and working 20-25 hours a week - but I know he can do it. I could NOT be more proud of my husband - it has been no easy task! He has had to juggle school, work and family and has done an amazing job. He has jokingly said a number of times, "I may not be smarter when I graduate seminary, but I will be older." God has grown both of us in ways that we would have never fathomed and while it has been hard, it has been very good.
As we look ahead, it is hard for Bryan and I not to get too overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. Between finishing seminary well, looking for a job, having a baby and hopefully moving by July or August - we have just a few things on our prayer list! When I look at it as a whole it feels daunting and impossible. But one of the big things that this "planner" has been learning over the last year is how to take life one day at a time. Honestly - we are truly so excited about whatever lies ahead. We know that God has a perfect plan for us and we find amazing peace in that. We are so ready to settle in somewhere and have a new place to call home. It is as if we having been missing it without even knowing where it is! And yet - that is this life isn't it? God is preparing the ultimate home for us. And that longing for home is the echo of eternity in our hearts - when we can be with our Father!
Well this momma is needing to get dinner going in a few minutes so I need to wrap this thing up! Here are a few of our prayer requests:
- Baby #3 - Please pray for health for both baby and momma. Pray for energy for me and against any anxiety. With all the changes coming (mixed with pregnancy hormones) I know there will be some "uneasy" days. Please pray that I can take everything in stride and hold tight to God's very capable hand.
- Bryan - pray for strength and endurance to finish this race well. It is encouraging to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel is still long. There is still a lot to be done.
- Job after seminary - the job search will begin in the next few months and while we are excited about where we will end up, job hunting is just hard. Please pray that God would direct us and that we would be sensitive to His leading.
- Finances - oh how I long to not have this on our prayer list! Bryan is increasing his hours of work (which will be a bit of a stretch for him), but we are still going to come up a bit short. With what has been given and pledged, we need about $5,000 to not have to take out a loan. We know God will provide however He wants to. He has already provided so much (example: I was approved for Medicaid so this baby will not be stressful for us financially - HUGE praise)! And so many of you have sacrificed to help us out and believe me when I say that we are humbled and amazingly grateful - and our prayer for you is that God would bless you back abundantly! However - the need remains. If you would be interested in helping us out, please send any contributions to the following address (and all contributions are tax deductible):
Fellowship Bible Church
Attn: Rosie Stephens
1401 Kirk Road
Little Rock, AR 72223
Ok - so here are a few pictures to highlight the past 3 to 4 months!
Our big girl turned 5! She is such a joy!
Drew learned to ride his big boy bike!
Halloween is always so much fun! We had Jessie and Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story.

The holidays in Colorado!
Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for reading and keeping up with us!