What a joy this little girl is - and such a sweetie pie. My Mom left today after being here for 10 whole days - so fun! It has been really nice having so much family time - but it is time to get back into the swing if things and buckle down for these last couple months. This semester is actually flying by!
I also want to introduce you to our youngest SON!
We found out on our anniversary that we are going to have another sweet little boy in our family! We could not be more excited. He is already very active in my tummy and keeping me on my toes. It has been really fun watching our kids with baby Macy - knowing that they will be doting on their little brother in just a little over 3 months. They have both been amazing with her and so sweet - very encouraging for me (especially with Drew).
On another note - we are getting Bryan's resume together this week and will begin the job hunt in March - CRAZY!! I was looking at a few job postings on a website and it hit me that we could really end up anywhere by the end of the summer - and then I had to take some deep breaths. I am truly excited about whatever God has in store for us - but it is a bit overwhelming to think about at times. I share this with you because we truly covet your prayers. I won't go into all the details about this move that are on my prayer list at this point - but suffice to say that we need God's timing to be over every detail in allowing things to fall into place. This is just going to be a BIG summer!
Other than all that fun news - the only other thing going on around here is SNOW!! We got about 20 inches a few weeks ago, and just about the time it had melted from the playground - we got another 10 inches! It has been nuts! But we have had a blast doing some sledding behind campus and just sunggling up and eating good soups. And then yesterday is was like 55 degrees and sunny and it made me so ready for spring I can hardly stand it! Colorado weather - we LOVE it!
Prayer Requests:
- Baby Boy - continued health and growth. I am feeling much better thankfully, but will be very excited about not being pregnant after he is here! =)
- Job for Bryan - please pray for God's very clear direction and desire for us. And pray that God would handle all the details.
- Bryan - just work and school alone take up 36 hours of his week, and that doesn't include all the reading and writing he has to do. Pray for endurance and productivity.
- Finances - pray that God will provide what we need.
Love to you all!
As always - here are a few pics!
Crazy Snow!
Jordan's "Mad Hatter's Tea Party" for Valentine's Day!
Baby Macy just a few hours old!
This is the "backyard" to the seminary - awesome!
Thanks for journeying with us!