It has been so long since I have posted - so much has happened - so many emotions felt - so many new memories - so many laughs - so many tears - so many answered prayers - so many prayers having yet to be answered ... I literally don't know where to begin without this being the longest and most scatter-brained post in the history of blogging! So with that being said - I will forge into the fuzziness of my brain and attempt to give a concise update on our new life here in Cabot.
We love it here and are truly thankful for God's amazing provision in bringing us to Cabot, Arkansas. We love our new home (it wasn't until we moved in that I truly realised how on top of each other we were in our sweet little apartment in Colorado). We are constantly thankful for every square inch - for the laundry room, the second bathroom, the garage, the pantry, the bonus room above the garage, the yard ... the space!! It is quickly becoming "home" - and that has been such a blessing to this mama's heart.
The people here are wonderful and we are really excited about deepening so many new relationships. There is just something to be said about a small town. We love our church. Bryan loves his job. Again - so many answered prayers. I could go on - but I'm trying to being brief so I can cover more!
I have started my own business! I am now a Thirty-One Consultant and could NOT love it any more! Thirty-One offers cute affordable bags, totes, purses and accessories. This has been such a fun outlet for me and something that is just mine. It has nothing to do with me being a wife or a mom. It gives me time with other women and a chance to encourage and love on others. Such a blessing! If you are interested in hearing more or hosting a fun laid-back girl's night - let me know!! Check out my site at
Individual Updates:
Jordan - now in Kindergarten! What!? She loves school and is such a student - she loves to learn. She is making some sweet friends and is growing like a weed. She is such a sweet sister to her little brothers and is mama's little helper. I am so thankful for my girl.
Drew - my little monkey! He is loving special Drew time while sister is at school. He loves to play games, and wants be with me constantly (a little exhausting at times - but I love it too). He smothers his baby brother - quite literally. He loves him so much. Drew is his Daddy's boy - He is wired so much like Bryan which is adorable and I love it! But it is funny how sometimes that can drive Bryan crazy - it is hysterical to watch. He makes us laugh all the time.
Shephered - I don't think it is possible for this kid to get any cuter! He is a sweetie pie and just a content kid. I needed that with this one. He is finally starting to sleep through the night some - so the fog is starting to lift a bit (Mama's - you know what I am talking about). But our sweet Shep is such a delight and constant source of joy. I feel like I fought hard for that boy my whole pregnancy so He is truly a reminder to me that God can sustain me. And He promises to do so!
Bryan - the job is good. The community is great! He is loving NOT having school work - that is still sinking in some. God is growing him and stretching him in new ways but it is so good. We are both tired but loving our life. God gave me such a good man. I love him more every day.
Me - oh y'all ... I am the clay and He is the Gracious Potter. I am such a jumble of emotions and thoughts that I have a hard time getting complete sentences out now-a-days. For those of you who are new friends - that is not normally me. It is like I have asked my brain to process way too much over the last 4 to 6 months and it keeps freezing up on me like an old computer. As if having another baby wouldn't do that already, we went ahead and moved states, changed jobs and have completely started over. And I couldn't be happier with where we are - but honestly, I just need some time to download everything! I really haven't felt like my "normal self" in months - I kinda miss that girl. I do think that I have been catching quick glimpses of her since Shep has slept through the night some in the last week! Encouraging!
I feel like I would not be giving an accurate update on our life if I wasn't honest with the fact that I have been struggling with anxiety some again. This past week was actually pretty rough. But God is continuing to draw me closer to Himself and show me more of who HE is ... and boy it is enough to bring me to my knees ... actually, throw me flat on my face is probably more accurate. He is rocking me to my very core and it is scary and it hurts ... but I know it is for my good. He is deepening me and refining me once again. But I am so thankful that He is not content to let me coast. He wants my attention and my love ... what a strange and wonderful God we serve. I am thankful for His promises that He will never leave or forsake us. So I will take courage and let Him do His work ... the work that only He can do. And just maybe I will look a little more like His Son in the end.
Well - this still ended up being pretty long. But hopefully that catches us up even though I left plenty out! And of course - any post of mine would not be complete without some pictures to share! Sometimes these do better at updating than words.
Drew turns 4! Cute boy!

Happy Shep!
The Annual James Family Lake Trip (ready for a balloon fight)
My boys!
Jordan turns 6! Sweet girl!
Ever Thankful,