First I just want to thank all of you so much for your prayers, encouragement and support. This whole anxiety experience has honestly been one of the hardest things that I have ever been through - but I have learned so much. Bryan and I were laughing the other day when I remembered a prayer that I prayed back in the fall (before all of this started), just asking the Lord to "keep us all healthy over the next 2 years because we really can't afford to be sick while we are here." That just struck us as funny when we considered how many pills I have taken over the past 2 months!! Between my anxiety, my stomach, a terrible cold and my first sinus infection - I had never taken so many pills in my life! But I know that God has been carrying me through every step and is continuing to deepen my faith in Him as my Rock, my Strength, my Portion and my Comforter. He is so good.
The anxiety has been so much better! I have been feeling more normal that I had in months and that just feels good. A huge teller for me was when Jordan threw up the other night and I didn't freak out thinking that I was going to get sick. Weird I know - but "being sick" was something I feared so much in the midst of my panic attacks. I have been able to work out at least 4 times a week which has helped so much. I try to have fun or worshipful music on when the kids are playing around the apartment (music makes such a big difference for me). And Bryan is only working on the weekends and that has been huge for both of us! So - I am thankful to be able to report that I am doing much better - thank you again for your prayers. I go back to the doctor next month - I'll keep you posted.
We have been staying pretty busy around here! It is hard to believe that Bryan already has midterms next week! We have had some fun stuff going on lately so the time has been going by fast. A huge highlight from the last month was when we got to go back to Arkansas to go to Sr. High Winter Chill (the winter retreat with the youth group that Bryan worked at for that last 5 years). It was a surprise to all the kids which was so much fun - we felt so sneaky! It was just so refreshing to be around such dear friends that we have such great history with. Three of my small group girls were there which was awesome, and catching up with the staff and some of the volunteers was amazing. We miss you all and are so thankful for the time that we got to spend with you. Thank you FSM - for a great chance for Bryan and I to get away and reconnect with all of you. We love you all so dearly.
This last weekend my mom came to visit which was great. We went to the outlets, ate good food, went to the Children's Museum (amazing), and just got some good play time with Nonie. The kids were in heaven and were so sad to see her go. But we will be visiting Little Rock the first week of May while Bryan stays here to get ready for finals.
The weather here is amazing today! It is 67 degrees and I think I got a bit of a sunburn while we were out on the playground. You really can't beat Colorado weather!
Once again - I am amazed that anyone would read any of my posts, so thanks for caring enough to do so! Here are a few prayer requests:
- Bryan's Job - he has put in a few applications at some restaurants close by. He just isn't making the money he could be making at other places. And being closer would save on time and gas.
- School - as I said before, Bryan is gearing up for midterms next week so he is spending a lot of time at the library. Pray that he is able to absorb all the information and finish well before Spring Break. He is doing such a great job - but it is still stressful.
- Finances - I don't know if there will be a time while we are in seminary that this won't be a prayer request. :) Please pray that God would continue to provide for us. We have been amazed and humbled by those of you who have given to us financially and we truly cannot thank you enough. Every dollar makes a huge difference. One of the things that we are truly looking forward to when we have a normal job again is being able to bless others with whatever we might have. After being on this end of support raising, I understand how significant even a small amount can be!
We are so thankful for our friends. So thankful for our family. So thankful for our life here at Denver Seminary. So thankful for our Father who loves to lavish His love upon us. While we were at Winter Chill, we were introduced to a new song that has become a favorite for me, especially with where we are right now. Here is the chorus:
Oh my God - He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear
His promise is true
My God will come through always
What an awesome promise!
My small group girls and Andrew Glenn at Winter Chill - so fun!
The Hedlunds - we love and miss you guys!
This picture just makes me smile!
Silly girls!
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