The main thing that has changed for us is Bryan's job. After a month of training at The Tavern, he came home after his second real shift and said, "I don't think I can do this. I truly hate waiting tables." We hoped that a new restaurant would be better, but it was honestly more stressful. It was causing him to not sleep well and dread going to work - it just wasn't worth it!
But God has been so good and has already brought along another job. He just started working for a ministry for the elderly. There are these 6 assisted living homes around town where he will be doing maintenance 20 hours a week. He is already a handyman of sorts, but he will be learning some new things as well which will be nice when we are home owners again. He can decide which hours work for him each week and can back off on weeks where he has a lot of tests or papers. We are amazingly thankful - God is so so good.
Our one hesitation with this job is the fact that we only have one car. Thus far we have made it work with very few problems, but this job will make it a bit harder. So we are praying that God would either provide a second car for us, provide money for a mini van, or that He would work out our schedules so that it would not be too difficult. I know that he can do any or all of the above and we are trusting Him with it. He has given us a "peace beyond all understanding" - which is just a testimony that it is truly from Him.
On a lighter note, we have had some visitors over the last few weeks which has been a blast! Bryan's parents were here for a good long visit. We relaxed, laughed, ate good food and played a lot of cards (which Bryan or Alice always won). So that was a blast. And then my Mom just left yesterday and we also had a great time. We had a girls day where Kat, Mom and I did some shopping, ate at a fun lunch spot and just enjoyed time together. We also just played and got caught up. Time with family is always so refreshing for us!
We truly feel like we are soaking up the summer which has been awesome. Bryan has been playing Frisbee Golf like crazy (I do believe that he is a bit addicted). There is a course across the street from us so he goes over there most days for at least 20 or 30 minutes - and a lot of time with a couple of buddies. Nothing like some fun free entertainment in Colorado in the summer!
We also got up to our uncle's condo with some dear friends over Father's Day weekend. It was stunningly beautiful! The crazy thing was that one day we were hanging out in the village in jeans a t-shirts, and the next morning it looked like a blizzard - it was awesome!! See pictures below!
I can tell that my time is limited due to nap time with 3 kids (we are watching our nephew Tate for a few days with Kat & Sean are on a trip). So here are our main prayer requests!
- A second car. As I said above - we know God could answer this in many different ways. But it is a big one right now.
- My anxiety, I am starting to wean myself off my medication so we praying for a smooth and healthy transition! I have been feeling normal and like myself for awhile now, so we are very hopeful.
- Finances. We are going to make another push on support raising soon to help us in this last year. If you are at all interested in hearing more about where we are financially or how you might be able to help - please let me know. We could NOT do this without help - so every little bit is a huge blessing!
Here are a few pics to highlight the last month or so!
Fun times at the Children's Museum with PaPa and Grammy!
Frisbee Golf with some buddies in the mountains - they were all loving life!
Father's Day Weekend in the mountains
My boys!
The next morning - CRAZY!! And so beautiful!
Fun in water fountains at such a cool park!
Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs with Nonie
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