I have been meaning to post this for awhile and I keep forgetting! Check out our little boy a few months ago when he fell asleep while eating lunch!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Big Boy Birthday and Estes Park!
I love music! It is amazing the difference it makes in my day. I have been sitting here stewing about a few things - and then Bryan turned on some music and it instantly took my focus off of our circumstances and on to Jesus ... where it always needs to be. "Lead me to the cross, where you love poured out. Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down. Rid me of myself, I belong to you. Lead me to the cross."
And with that in mind I can share how God has been loving me in such sweet ways this week. Just to mention a few: Our external hard drive crashed and I thought we lost ALL of our pictures over the last 5 years - but when I pulled out our old computer, every picture was there ... and I could have sworn that I had deleted them. Not to mention the flash drive that had all the pictures that my friend had given me to do a scrapbook for her. I don't remember putting them there! I truly believe that God restored it all. It was awesome. We got a check from our mortgage company that was very unexpected. And God has blessed us with meeting so many great new people that we forming great new friendships with. He cares about every detail of my life ... and I am amazed by Him!
Our boy turned 2 last week!! I still can't believe it! We had a fun family morning going to Chuck E Cheese for games and then Chick-fil-a for lunch. I made some yummy cupcakes for that night, so after dinner some friends came over and we sang to him. Then we went outside and let the kids play and gave people cupcakes. Very fun! And then more friends came over that night and they stayed up late playing together. So Drew had a great day which made me happy.

Jordan helped me make cupcakes! Love it!
This weekend we got to go to Estes Park with our friends Nick, Sarah and Evie which was a blast. It was so beautiful and our first real adventure since we moved here. We all packed lunches and didn't really have an agenda. It was just nice to get off campus with friends and have some fun. We still can't get over the weather and the beauty here. It is truly marvelous! Well - just check out the pictures!!

The kids were not too thrilled to take pictures - they just wanted to run and get in the water!

This is Sarah! Already such a sweet friend! And did I mention they are from Australia - I could listen to them talk all day! =)

Jordan and Evie - precious!

I mean really!?!?!?
See what I mean - BEAUTIFUL!! And so much fun.
Well - the kiddos are waking up and we are excited to see Kat, Sean and baby Tate since they just got back from a trip! Please continue to pray for a job for Bryan - he has been applying places but hasn't heard back from anyone yet. We know God will provide just what we need - we are just trying to be patient.
And with that in mind I can share how God has been loving me in such sweet ways this week. Just to mention a few: Our external hard drive crashed and I thought we lost ALL of our pictures over the last 5 years - but when I pulled out our old computer, every picture was there ... and I could have sworn that I had deleted them. Not to mention the flash drive that had all the pictures that my friend had given me to do a scrapbook for her. I don't remember putting them there! I truly believe that God restored it all. It was awesome. We got a check from our mortgage company that was very unexpected. And God has blessed us with meeting so many great new people that we forming great new friendships with. He cares about every detail of my life ... and I am amazed by Him!
Our boy turned 2 last week!! I still can't believe it! We had a fun family morning going to Chuck E Cheese for games and then Chick-fil-a for lunch. I made some yummy cupcakes for that night, so after dinner some friends came over and we sang to him. Then we went outside and let the kids play and gave people cupcakes. Very fun! And then more friends came over that night and they stayed up late playing together. So Drew had a great day which made me happy.
Jordan helped me make cupcakes! Love it!
This weekend we got to go to Estes Park with our friends Nick, Sarah and Evie which was a blast. It was so beautiful and our first real adventure since we moved here. We all packed lunches and didn't really have an agenda. It was just nice to get off campus with friends and have some fun. We still can't get over the weather and the beauty here. It is truly marvelous! Well - just check out the pictures!!
The kids were not too thrilled to take pictures - they just wanted to run and get in the water!
This is Sarah! Already such a sweet friend! And did I mention they are from Australia - I could listen to them talk all day! =)
Jordan and Evie - precious!
I mean really!?!?!?
See what I mean - BEAUTIFUL!! And so much fun.
Well - the kiddos are waking up and we are excited to see Kat, Sean and baby Tate since they just got back from a trip! Please continue to pray for a job for Bryan - he has been applying places but hasn't heard back from anyone yet. We know God will provide just what we need - we are just trying to be patient.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Settling In
Right now, everyone in my house (apartment) is napping. And for those of you who know me well, you know that I am not a napper. So I thought I would try and catch everyone up on what all has been going on here in Denver!
It is hard to believe that we started our journey here one week ago today. It has been a whirlwind to say the least. It has had its emotional ups and downs - but all in all, it has been better than we could have hoped. And can I just say that the weather here is AMAZING!! I walked outside this morning at about 7:45 and it was really chilly ... in August!!! I still can't get over how beautiful it is here.
Monday was "Move-in Day." We had everything unloaded by about 10:30 and the unpacking frenzy began! I had had a pretty rough night of sleep the night before, to be honest I think a lot of it was anxiety, but God provided the adrenaline that I needed to get through the day. Thankfully my Mom was here to help out with the kids so we were able to get a LOT done. When Bryan and I both get into task mode, we are knock stuff out quick. We had 80% of the unpacking done by the following morning - woo hoo! The apartments are great - I will post pictures soon.
Then Tuesday came - probably the most emotional day for me. I drove my Mom to the airport that morning and we both were teary most of the way. I hugged her goodbye, drove off, and started sobbing. It was a 40 minute drive home and I just asked God to hear the cries of my heart because I didn't quite have words to give at that point. Yes it was hard to say bye to Mom, but I really think that that is when reality started setting in. We live in Denver, Colorado. Nothing is familiar. Bryan is going back to school. We live in a two bedroom apartment where my son is sleeping in a storage room (which he loves by the way). We are raising support. Bryan is going to have to work and be a full time student. Our lives are changing ... and although I am ok with that ... it is still hard.
Ok - on to a lighter subject!! Have I mentioned that we live in the on-campus apartments and ours is on the bottom floor and looks onto the playground? Yes - we have played there every day and it has provided such a great avenue to meet people in the exact same stage of life! Jordan and Drew are having a ball and meeting new friends (maybe I should just say Jordan is because Drew just runs around and rides a little scooter everywhere). It has been a huge blessing and so much fun. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store there.
My only complaint is our neighbors - they are so annoying and won't leave us alone .... haha!!! JUST KIDDING!! Having Katherine and Sean right next door has been one of the sweetest blessings of this whole thing. It is so easy to walk next door and just say hey. Jordan is loving it probably more than anyone. She loves little baby Tate and always wants to know what he is up to. And Aunt Kat is pretty cool too! Drew is warming up to them like family which is fun to watch. Not that he was hesitant, but he is starting to realize how close we all are and he is joining in on that. What a joy!
Ok - I realize this is a long post so I'll wrap it up with a few prayer requests:
1. Please pray for a job for Bryan. He picked up a number of applications yesterday for some restaurants within about 2 miles of us so he is working on those. Please pray that God would lead and that he would get a job quickly so that he can get training over with before school starts.
2. Please pray that God would provide for us financially. Depending on how much support we are able to raise will determine how much Bryan has to work. And being a full time student, it is going to be a challenge. So the more support we can raise the more time Bryan will have for school and family.
3. Please pray for me. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. The last two weeks have just been a roller coaster of emotions with saying goodbye to people we love, moving, and now trying to get settled and connect with new people here. I am trying to find the balance of letting myself be sad about leaving and still excited about being here. I feel both very strongly so it is a bit overwhelming and a lot to process.
One more thing. We have seen a number of rainbows since we moved here and they have been stunning and of course they remind me of Noah and the flood. What an incredible story for me to cling to right now - a true story of obedience. And every time I have seen a rainbow this past week, God gently reminds me that He is faithful. And that His promises are true. He is my Rock and my Fortress - and in HIM I will put my hope.
Here are a few pics:
Just driving home. Can you believe that scenery!?
Loving being outside!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Cheez-Its, Apple Juice and Mountains!!
We made it to Denver!! I still cannot believe that we are here! And can I just tell you that the weather here is amazing! Hot but not humid. And the mountains are stunning! Bryan and my Mom pulled out from Tulsa at about 7:30am and should be here in a few more hours - they are of course driving through that "wonderful" part of Kansas. But they sound like they are having fun.
The kids did awesome on the plane! I cannot thank you all enough for your prayers! We actually got to have 3 seats which was a huge blessing! Between Cheez-Its, apple juice and the Backyardagains - we were good to go. Going through security was a bit of a task with Drew running away from me every 30 seconds - but we got it under control. I basically just let them play as much as possibly before we got on the plane so that they enjoyed the down time once we were seated. Honestly - the biggest hurdle was changing Drew's diaper in that crazy airplane bathroom!! Talk about NO room. I mean come on people - if you are going to put a changing table in a bathroom, make it wide enough to actually change a diaper!! It was pretty hysterical. And the moment we landed - Drew feel asleep on me and was knocked out!
My sister picked me up at the airport and we are just chillin' at their apartment - which is right next door to ours! We move in tomorrow morning at 9am! I'll post more about that in the days to come. It feels so surreal being here ... but it is time. We are ready for the adventure to begin!
7:30 this morning. Ready for the day!

Heading out! See you in Denver!

Get that energy OUT!

Troopers! Jordan was holding ear phones to her ears. I was SO thankful that it wasn't a full flight.

We made it!!
The kids did awesome on the plane! I cannot thank you all enough for your prayers! We actually got to have 3 seats which was a huge blessing! Between Cheez-Its, apple juice and the Backyardagains - we were good to go. Going through security was a bit of a task with Drew running away from me every 30 seconds - but we got it under control. I basically just let them play as much as possibly before we got on the plane so that they enjoyed the down time once we were seated. Honestly - the biggest hurdle was changing Drew's diaper in that crazy airplane bathroom!! Talk about NO room. I mean come on people - if you are going to put a changing table in a bathroom, make it wide enough to actually change a diaper!! It was pretty hysterical. And the moment we landed - Drew feel asleep on me and was knocked out!
My sister picked me up at the airport and we are just chillin' at their apartment - which is right next door to ours! We move in tomorrow morning at 9am! I'll post more about that in the days to come. It feels so surreal being here ... but it is time. We are ready for the adventure to begin!
7:30 this morning. Ready for the day!
Heading out! See you in Denver!
Get that energy OUT!
Troopers! Jordan was holding ear phones to her ears. I was SO thankful that it wasn't a full flight.
We made it!!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Moving Day Eve ... Saying Goodbye is for the Birds
So ... the truck is packed. My Mom's garage is almost back to normal, although the rest of her house may need awhile to recoop. I am sitting at the dining room table staring at a computer screen with so many thoughts and emotions that I want to write down and explain ... but my mind is mush and I am emotionally exhausted. So forgive me for the lack of creativity or bluntness. This is all I got.
It really has been an amazing and hard week on so many levels. We have had such sweet time with dear friends which has been so good for my soul! We have been blessed with great friendships here and we will miss you all terribly. We take great comfort knowing that we will be back around the holidays and summers. But goodbyes are just hard ... and I am just really sad.
Today alone has been an emotional roller coaster! I had my last Body & Soul class which was hard - it has been a huge blessing in my life. Afterwards, all of the ladies gathered around and prayed for me which was amazing. I couldn't hold back tears to hear them praying the cries of my heart. From safety for travels, to raising support, to finding new friends. So many of my fears were lifted up before the Father and I couldn't help but weep. I am so thankful that I serve a God who is walking this road with me and is holding me up. Thank you Jesus that you care about every detail of my life - and that YOU are in control of it!
Bryan spent 5 hours packing the truck today!! He is sore and exhausted - but he did such a great job. Then we went to a fun birthday party for one of Jordan's friends and got to spend more time with friends that we love. So it has been a full day ... but a tiring one. And we begin THE BIG MOVE tomorrow so I need to get to bed. But just so you all know our schedule for the move (we have had this question a LOT):
Saturday, Aug 7 - Driving to Tulsa to spend the night with my aunt
Sunday, Aug 8 - Bryan and my Mom drive from Tulsa to Denver in the Penske towing our car. I fly with both kids to Denver (please pray for me!?)
Monday, Aug 9 - Move in to the apartment!!!
Our last night in Little Rock. So hard to believe. G'night.
My messy boy at the birthday party today. He was in heaven!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My Girls
My heart is sad tonight. I had to say goodbye to some of the people that I am going to miss most of all .. my sweet small group girls - aka. "My Girls." I started with them when they were giggly 7th graders and they stole my heart. It has been an amazing 4 years and I am so sad that I am not going to be able to stick with them these last two years. When we first talked about moving, one of the things that I really had to surrender to the Lord was this group. Not because they need me or that I am worried about them ... but because I just love each one of them so much and will miss them terribly. I am so amazingly thankful for email, facebook, skype, cell phones and texting because I know that I will be able to keep in touch with them - but I am still sad. Megan, Julia, Tori, Caylie, Chloe, Elizabeth, Kaitlin, Anna, Bliss, Taylor Ann, Katie and Grace ... I love each one of you dearly and am so thankful that God put us all together. You are all so precious to me and I am so excited to see what all God has in store for you!
This was taken in 2006 at our first Christmas party! They have grown up so much! I love you girls!
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